Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, Happy New Year everyone. I have to admit I am all holidayed out. I am going to enjoy these last few days of school break and try to get a few things organized and put away. Get everything put away for next year. I always think I am going to be more organized next Christmas and I never seem to actually get it done. But I keep on trying. The kids and I are going to sit down and write thank you notes tomorrow, I will mail Catherine's Chirstmas present and my books. I will work on one closet at least and take down some of the decorations---I think that will be a good start for the weekend. I hope you are all happy and healthy and having a good start to your year.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Card Greeting

So, if you are reading this you got a Christmas card. Thanks for checking out our blog. I thought I would do this instead of a letter and then if you wanted to come back during the year, you could check up on us every once in a while.

The Coxes are doing pretty well this year and we are so grateful for all the blessings we have been given during this precious time of celebrating the birth of our Lord. We started doing our Advent Wreath tonight (I know it's a little late) but Andrew wanted to go ahead and light all of our candles. We talked about how we had to wait, that Advent was a time of waiting for something exciting. How Mary had to wait for the birth of this very special Baby Jesus and how sometimes the wait makes it even more exciting. We hope this season is blessed and exciting for all of you. How our Lord must delight when he sees all of his beloveds celebrating Him!

Damon, we are pleased to say during these difficult times, is still working at Applied Materials, it will be 15 years in April. We are thankful that our "Daddy" has a good job. His 20 year high school reunion was in Weatherford this October and we both enjoyed that very much. It was fun catching up with old friends, but we missed seeing some of you too.

I am homeschooling the kids and that is keeping me very busy. We are enjoying it very much and can't believe we have not always done it this way. But I do really enjoy the one day a week the kids attend a homeschool program!

Audra (8) is becoming quite the equestrian. She has been riding since June and is loving it. Her favorite horse is a big guy named Gentry. She is also still in Girl Scouts, piano and an American Girl book club. She is a delight and a huge help to her mom. I don't know what I would do without her.

Andrew (5) is our soccer player, he has played two seasons and is really loving it. He also enjoys music of all types and has taken piano and rhythm. He is funny and outgoing and loves to use power tools. He is wonderfully creative and Damon says this quote is all Andrew. "Invention is imagination and a pile of junk"--Thomas Edison. He and I are enjoying doing Kindergarten together.

Austin (2) is our joy. We all adore him and he loves us all back. He cries for his Audra when Mama is making him mad, loves to play with Andrew and can't wait for Daddy to come home. He loves Elmo, Thomas the Train and firetrucks. He is a sweet boy who talks, sings and dances. Audra nicknamed him "Mr. Boogie" because of his love of dancing when he was a tiny thing and the name has stuck.

We would love to hear from you. We hope that you come back to our blog over the year and catch updates on the family.

Take care of your loved ones. Give extra hugs and kisses this season. Treasure your blessings.

May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Dec 9---Austin Weather

So you got to love Austin weather!!! This morning the boys were out in their swimsuits playing with the hose and now it is cold and wet and even little icy things are falling---what a switch.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My First Blog

So this is my first post on my blog. I just want to use this a way to stay in touch with family and friends. I hope to have everything in place by the time I send out Christmas cards! I would love to hear from you.